trail behind them like the tail of a kite
like the tail of a kite
: たこの尾のように
kite tail
: たこの尾
trail behind
: ~に後れを取る、~より下位にいる
kite shaped like a footman
: kite shaped like a footman 奴凧 やっこだこ
leave a trail of blood behind
: 血痕{けっこん}を残す
trail along behind
: ~の後をついて回る
bind someone's arms behind them
: (人)の腕を後ろ手に縛る
dogs that have good blood lines behind them
: 血統の良い犬
: kite n. 凧(たこ); 〔鳥〕 トビ. 【動詞+】 bring down a kite 凧を引き降ろす draw in a kite 凧をたぐり寄せる fly a kite 凧をあげる Go fly a kite! 《米口語》 うるさい, あっちへ行け let out a kite with the wind 風を利用
: {代名-1} : 彼らを(に)、彼女らを(に) Please go and help them. 彼らを助けに行ってください。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {代名-2} : 〈話〉それらの、それらは◆【同】those I want them cookies. そ
: those are の縮約形◆非標準
create the sense in one's friends and associates that one is just like them
: 友人{ゆうじん}や仲間{なかま}たちの間に自分{じぶん}は彼らと変わらないという感覚{かんかく}を生み出す
at trail
: 《at (the) trail》下げ銃の姿勢で
in trail
: 一列縦隊で
on the trail
: òn [òff] the tráil 手掛りを得て[失って].
"trail angle" 意味
"trail antenna" 意味
"trail away" 意味
"trail balloon" 意味
"trail behind" 意味
"trail bike" 意味
"trail blaze" 意味
"trail blazer" 意味
"trail blazing" 意味
"trail balloon" 意味
"trail behind" 意味
"trail bike" 意味
"trail blaze" 意味
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